A note about my professional commitment…

Over the past 40 years or so, I have had the pleasure of working with some of the most talented doctors and scientists, media professionals, and educators who I also call my friends.

Starting in the film and video business after college and then later transitioning into education, there was always one driving force.  Through all of my projects I have always kept one thing in mind…to better the human condition through education and action.  I got involved in public service videos to educate students and schools on topics like D.U.I. awareness and active shooter preparedness in schools.  When I wrote my first SMPTE paper on timecode many years ago, I knew that education was the key to bringing out the best in people.  And so I gravitated to documentary filmmaking, science research projects, and teaching.

My years in education (28) taught me that students are our future and that we owe them the best knowledge that we can fill their heads with, using the best techniques that are at our fingertips.  That’s why I believe in the Time-to-Teach program.  It concentrates on teacher effectiveness in the classroom, and is proven to raise student grades by simply getting them to pay attention to the teacher.

Listed below are two of the many projects that I am most proud to have been involved in.


Education Globe









Joe DelSordo